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DIN-Taschenbuch 367 – Normen für die Druck- und Medienindustrie
DIN paperback 367 – norms of the pressure industry and media industry CD-ROM, single place licence, Windows (Mac with restriction), 680 sides (German Institute for Standardization A4), in 2005 Many users have waited for it in the pressure industry a...

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FOGRA-HEX-Instrument (Heat Exhausting)
FOGRA-HEX-Instrument (Heat Exhausting) Laboratory tool for investigating: -the drying tendencies of Papers subjected to thermal stress -formaldehyde release during thermal transfer printing (textile industry) -the amount of residual toluene in gravu...

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Kosten- und Leistungskatalog Druckweiterverarbeitung
Cost catalogue and achievement catalogue pressure subsequent treatment Ring book, 236 sides, German Institute for Standardization A4, in 2004 Before the background of technical innovations as well as new or changed approaches the catalogues were rew...

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Leitfaden Rating und Kreditverhandlungen
Guide rating and loan negotiations Pamphlet, 182 sides, German Institute for Standardization A4, incl. CD-ROM, in 2004 The present guide is for the companies of the pressure branch and media branch an important, practical aid to prepare optimally fo...

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Farbraumerweiterung mit Intensivskalen
Colour space enlargement with intensive scales Pamphlet, 40 sides, DIN A4, with 6 pattern printings + CD-ROM, in 2005 "Highly pigmented" printing inks are in every one's mouth. But what do they really bring? And what should one pay attention by the ...

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Ugra/FOGRA Reproduction Test Chart
Ugra/FOGRA Reproduction Test Chart 1999 V2.0 The UgraIFOGRA Reproduction Test Chart for the setting of scanners was first introduced in 1998. Amongst other components, the then Test Chart included a difficult test image with tertiary colours that en...

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FOGRA Print Control Strip DKL
FOGRA Print Control Strip DKL These control strips are for the control of four colour proofing and production printing. They allow screen rulings from 60Icm to 80Icm and frequency modulated screens to be controlled during high quality offset printin...

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FOGRA Vernier Scale FNM
FOGRA Vernier Scale FNM These control marks enable the register of a press to be checked to within a few micrometers. Such checks may, for example, be carried out during the acceptance trials for a press. The FNM is supplied in the form of two small...
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