Looking to purchase
X-Rite i1 Xtreme
X-Rite i1 Xtreme New Features: Measurment head and Software to create profiles for monitors, RGB- and CMYK printers, projectors and Digital Cameras - i1Pro spectral measurment head with or without UV-Cut-Filter (not detachable or convertible) - A...

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GretagMacbeth eye-one
i1Pro Device * Industry-standard spectrophotometer for both emissive (monitors) and reflective (print) profiling. With additional i1Match modules, use it to profile your monitors, scanners, digital cameras (with the optional ColorChecker Digital...

Looking to purchase
GretacMacbeth eye-one
i1Pro Device * Industry-standard spectrophotometer for both emissive (monitors) and reflective (print) profiling. With additional i1Match modules, use it to profile your monitors, scanners, digital cameras (with the optional ColorChecker Digital...

Looking to purchase
GretacMacbeth eye-one
i1Pro Device * Industry-standard spectrophotometer for both emissive (monitors) and reflective (print) profiling. With additional i1Match modules, use it to profile your monitors, scanners, digital cameras (with the optional ColorChecker Digital...
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