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Gretag Macbeth spektral fotometer SpectroEye Spektralfotometer SpectroEye
Gretag Macbeth SpectroEye GretagMacbeth SpectroEye with the following features: [X]increase [X]Pressure characteristic - area coverage [X]Ink acceptance [X] dE 94, CMC, FMCIE [X]Best match [X] Activation Pantone solid coated, solid uncoated, solid ...

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Spektralfotometer Spectrolino
Spectral photometer Spectrolino The spectral photometer Spectrolino is a handy and highly professional device for the measurement of Remission, transmission and issue. Thereby is superviseable the whole work routine of the receipt of goods control o...

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Techkon SpectroDens Premium
Techkon spectral densitometer SpectroDens Premium Latest software version installed With the SpectroDens we give you a modern instrument in the hand, that's for the density and color measurement can be used universally. In the pre-print for verifyi...

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Datacolor 3890
Datacolor 3890 Non-new Spectrophotometer The DC 3890 is a spectrophotometer for color data acquisition using reflectance measurement. The device was developed especially for use in the pigment and paint industry, it can be labeled in accordance wit...

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X-Rite 508 Spektraldensitometer
X-Rite 508 is SpektraldensitometerNicht-NeuBei This device is an entry-level model, which can be upgraded gradually. This unit provides the best alternative zX-Rite 508 Spectrodensitometer NOT NEW The X-Rite 508 has been refurbished and new certifi...

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QUATO i1 Pro
USB spectrophotometers to measure color charts (strips and single measurement) and measuring emission of light (monitor calibration and ambient light measurement). Direct support of iColor Print (RBG, CMYK Media Wedge and evaluation), iColor Disp...
Manufacturer:Quato Technology

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Gehäuse RS 400/ RS 800 komplett
Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee in the legal sense. We explicitly state that w...
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