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Fujifilm PictroProof 4000 with calculator RIP, struck up software with Autokalibrator
Fujifilm PictroProof 4000 with calculator RIP, struck up software with Autokalibrator Even if CTP causes a high degree anEffizienz-and high-class pit foreman's post in the pressure preliminary stage, the fact requires that by the digitization the co...

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Mega Normlight 98 daylight, standing, table top W x H x D: 52 x 46 x 8.5
Meganormlicht 98 Daylight Not-New Table normlight, standing Size (Width x Height x Depth): 52 x 46 x 8,5cm Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of th...
Manufacturer:Just Normlicht

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Preproofer 760/960
The Preproofer 760/960 automatically create double-sided proofs in eight-and Vierseitenformat. The system based on the proofers Epson Stylus Pro 7600 or 9600th Similarly, paper widths of 61 cm (24'') with the model 760 and 111 cm (44'') with the mode...
Manufacturer:Digital Information

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Epson Stylus Pro 9800 + GMG 4.5 + SEH Printserver
Epson Stylus Pro 9800 An excellent choice With the 44-inch-wide Epson Stylus per 9800 (German Institute for Standardization A1) you put new graduations in the large format pressure of photos, art reproductions and with the Proofing. Natural, exa...

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Epson Stylus Pro 10600
Epson Stylus per 10600 The quick and many-sided Epson printer for the professional production prominent printer for graphics in the format to B0 + (44"), art reproductions, photographs and Proofing new Epson UltraChromeTM-ink technology colour ...

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Quato Lightbox XL
Quato Lightbox XL DIN A3 + norm light writing desk for supervision presentations The norm light light writing desk for supervision presentations. Available in the Bundle with the models of the series QUATOGRAPHIC Perfect Color and the Intelli Colo...
Manufacturer:Quato Technology

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Just Color-Control Professional Normlichtanlage
Precisely Color-Control professional norm lighting system Not-new consisting of: • Color test light from aluminium with 4 sources of light a 36 W, • Mass: B, H, T:126 / 15/79,5 • Kind. No.: 024695 • Ser. No.: 35-97 the asymmetrical PRECISELY colou...
Manufacturer:Just Normlicht

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Just Color match in 5000 norm light Combi
Just Color match in 5000 norm light Combi not-new Color match in 5000 with On and shining-through light for visual colour judgement of slide, Proof and pressure. Ideally for the application directly in the job. With state foot, hanger or swivel arm...
Manufacturer:Just Normlicht

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Just Color Match 5000 Norm light
Just Color match 5000 norm light Combi Not-New Color match in 5000 with On and shining-through light for visual colour judgement of slide, Proof and pressure. Ideally for the application directly in the job. With state foot, hanger or swivel arm. N...
Manufacturer:Just Normlicht

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Waldmann aluminium norm light lamp Asymmetrical
Waldmann aluminium norm light lamp Asymmetrical - with asymmetrical reflectors - optimally for discussing of Proofs and pressures - new company hour counter 0 hours - Nevertheless, lamps should be bought new, because those are used. - measure...
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