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Profile Maker Pro 5.0.1
Gretag ProfileMaker ICC Colormanagement Non-New The colormanagement high end solution. Profile Maker Pro Dongle to give away. This Dongle is licensed for Profile Maker Pro 5.0.10. The Dongle ( Hasp 4 ) unlocks all tools from Profile Maker Pro...

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CrossXColor Monitor
CrossXColor Monitor The CrossXColor Monitor covers a variety of different tools for calibration and profiling of TFT- and CRT-monitors. These functionalities may be combined and supplied with an individual design to adress different customer require...

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CrossXColor CMM
CrossXColor technology includes a CrossXColor CMM, our "color engine". The CrossXColor CMM is an ICC-compliant, modular CMM that guarantees maximum quality for all color transformations. The advantages of our CMM are its platform-independence, which...

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CrossXColor Profiler
CrossXColor Profiler CrossXColor Profiler is a profiling tool, which is a designed for highest quality. Equal to our CrossXColor CMM, the CrossXColor Profiler is totally platform-independent and delivers same results on different platforms. Also ou...

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CoLiPri-PlugIn (Color - Link - Print)
CoLiPri-PlugIn (Color - Link - Print) The CoLiPri-PlugIn (Color - Link - Print) is an Adobe Photoshop PlugIn for creation, usage and editing of DeviceLink -Profiles. A current trend in the printing industrie is to avoid limitations of sta...

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Quato iColor Print CMYK / RGB
Quato iColor Print CMYK With iColor Print a still efficient calibration-solution especially simply to be used is available for RGB-and CMYK printer especially for photographer and designer. The calibration and shaping of printers becomes by the gra...
Manufacturer:Quato Technology

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QUATO iColor Print CMYK plus Medienkeilauswertung Bundle -Version
QUATO iColor Print CMYK plus media wedge evaluation Bundle version NEW modular print-calibration solution only for CMYK issue, supported DTP20, EyeOne Per and Datacolor in 1005, incl. media wedge evaluation, extendable around next iColor Print modu...
Manufacturer:Quato Technology

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ColorShop X Software
ColorShop X software - Production and management of NCP profiles (Named Color profiles). - Use and management of colour libraries, for example, to PAN TONE ® - Compatibly with most X-Rite to devices for the export of data and the analysis of colou...

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QUATO iColor Proof
Beschreibung: Single soft-proofing viewers for PDF, JPEG and TIF files with extensive color management functions; for Mac OS X 10.4 and Windows Vista / 7; copy: Dongle, Multiple licenses on request Plattform: Mac OS X ab 10.3.9, Win XP/Vista/7 - 3...
Manufacturer:Quato Technology

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Colorproof eXpress
Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potential mention of brand names are solely for the general identification of the purchased item and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee in the legal sense. We explicitly state that w...
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