Sun Fire 280R + SUN A1000
Sun Fire 280R + SUN A1000 not new 19" 4HE, lau. Rechnung: - 2x 750 MHz - 2024 MB - 2x 36 GB Ports: - Modem - Network - SCSI - 4x USB Selbstabholung empf. zusammen mit ext. SCSI-HDD Gehäuse Keine Garantie auf Korrektheit der Angaben, Gerät nur e...

Sun StorEDGE A1000
Sun StorEDGE A1000 Non-new 4x 36 GB equips Cost effective storage solution for reducing your totally cost of ownership. Fully interoperable ones. Compatible with Sun StorEdge Availability, Utilization, performance and resource management Suites s...

Sun Fire 280R
Sun Fire 280R Non-new . 19 "4U, tepid statement: 2x 750 MHz, 2024 MB, 2x 36GB, no guarantee for correctness of the information appliance electrically checked not to function, connections: modem, network, SCSI, 4x USB, recommended Pickup with. ext. ...

Sun Enterprise 220R Server 19 Zoll Rack
Sun Enterprise 220R Server 19 Zoll Rack not new Ram: 1 GB / 2 GB (Max), 256 MB / 2 GB (Max), 2 GB / 2 GB (Max), 512 MB / 2 GB (Max), 128 MB / 2 GB (Max) Datanbus-Speed: 112.5 MHz Disclaimers and Brand Names: The description and any potenti...
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